ReGen, our acclaimed
multilevel personalised program
built for you
and your family!
The Innovative ReGen Parkinson Therapy program offers unique personalised rehabilitation packages.
The Program was created to slow progression, reduce symptoms and improve quality of lIfe. Based on the latest research and therapies from across the world, (especially UK and USA). The program is monitored and updated constantly by a team of researchers, Parkinson specialists and uniquely by people with Parkinson’s themselves. ReGen is a one or two week personalised program with a heavy emphasis in preparing people and offering support to help them continue when they return home.
Given the international multilevel structure of the program, it is not available through any national health programs but may be accepted by insurance programs as the Centre is highly recognized and is a charity.

ReGen, our acclaimed
multilevel personalised program
built for you
and your family!
The Innovative ReGen Parkinson Therapy program offers unique personalised rehabilitation packages.
The Program was created to slow progression, reduce symptoms and improve quality of lIfe. Based on the latest research and therapies from across the world, (especially UK and USA). The program is monitored and updated constantly by a team of researchers, Parkinson specialists and uniquely by people with Parkinson’s themselves. ReGen is a one or two week personalised program with a heavy emphasis in preparing people and offering support to help them continue when they return home.
Given the international multilevel structure of the program, it is not available through any national health programs but may be accepted by insurance programs as the Centre is highly recognized and is a charity.
The European Parkinson Therapy Center applies neurotherapy to significantly improve physical symptoms. ReGen is a multilevel program so also includes; cognitive therapy interventions, “Applied therapy”, food advice, “Motivational therapy”, indications on how to live with Parkinson’s and relaxation and breathing techniques and more besides. It is not just therapy it is learning to maintain Quality of life.
ReGen is founded on four pillars (motor aspect, medicine, psychology, quality of life). It is recognized worldwide by numerous national associations and international organizations including the European Parkinson Disease Association (EPDA), Parkinson’s UK and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust.

Slow the progression
and ease the symptoms

Offering support to
Those around you

Improve the quality of the
Your Life and consequently,
of your family

Giving real time results which
You can see after just 4 days

Combined with
motivational support
to combat fear and depression

Offering real solutions to
every aspect of Parkinson’s
You have the right to know that Parkinson’s is not the end
but a beginning. The choice is yours.
Hai la possibilità di scegliere: imparare a conviverci o esserne vittima.
Learn how to fight
for your future.
Starting from now.
The European Parkinson Therapy Center applies neurotherapy to significantly improve physical symptoms. ReGen is a multilevel program so also includes; cognitive therapy interventions, “Applied therapy”, food advice, “Motivational therapy”, indications on how to live with Parkinson’s and relaxation and breathing techniques and more besides. It is not just therapy it is learning to maintain Quality of life.
ReGen is founded on four pillars (motor aspect, medicine, psychology, quality of life). It is recognized worldwide by numerous national associations and international organizations including the European Parkinson Disease Association (EPDA), Parkinson’s UK and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust.
Learn how to fight
for your future.
Starting from now.
The European Parkinson Therapy Center applies neurotherapy to significantly improve physical symptoms. ReGen is a multilevel program so also includes; cognitive therapy interventions, “Applied therapy”, food advice, “Motivational therapy”, indications on how to live with Parkinson’s and relaxation and breathing techniques and more besides. It is not just therapy it is learning to maintain Quality of life.
ReGen is founded on four pillars (motor aspect, medicine, psychology, quality of life). It is recognized worldwide by numerous national associations and international organizations including the European Parkinson Disease Association (EPDA), Parkinson’s UK and the Cure Parkinson’s Trust.
Choose the therapy that’s right for you

The beginning of your therapy with the innovative, multilevel and powerful ReGen protocol, a new approach to living with Parkinson’s, reducing symptoms and taking back control of your life

Additional add on
Various treatments and therapies to make your stay. As personal and beneficial as possible.
Visit with
Through our virtual clinic or directly in the centre.
You can get personal detailed advice on almost all aspects of Parkinson’s
You have the right to know that Parkinson’s is not the end
but a beginning. The choice is yours.
Hai la possibilità di scegliere: imparare a conviverci o esserne vittima.